What is Low Power Mode on the Apple Watch?

Apple Watch Low Power Mode

Low Power Mode is in watchOS 9, extending the battery life of the Apple Watch by reducing overall power usage. Here’s how to activate it, and what it turns off.

The Apple Watch is designed to be worn as much as possible, including when you’re sleeping. However, it still needs to be recharged from time to time, and sometimes you may not be in a position to do so in the immediate future.

For example, if you’re on a weekend trip and forgot your Apple Watch charger, there’s a chance that it may not stay powered long enough to make it home.

Introduced as part of watchOS 9, Low Power Mode aims to solve that by giving users a way to cut the power usage of the Apple Watch, allowing it to be used for a longer period of time.

What does Low Power Mode change?

Low Power Mode works by turning off features that usually run on the Apple Watch, bringing it down to just the core functionality. Other features are allowed to run, but are adjusted to reduce the number of refreshes or updates.



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